The i7 is overkill for what you are really going to use that new iMac for.īut, like I stated at the top of my reply to you, it's your money. If you do not plan on doing lots and LOTS of video work or animation and/or CGI/3D modeling work, I think the i7 isn't worth the extra costs if your work is going to be more or less in 2D.

The only difference between the i5 and i7 CPUs is that the i7 CPU has hyperthreading technology ( running data through more data channel streams). If finances and cost aren't an issue for you, then do what will.

I find, also, it is always best to run Photoshop by itself with no other CPU taxing applications or processes running innthe background, too! My iMac and my CS3 version of Photoshop seems to handle these types of files pretty well on an iMac that is much older than what is available today and only uses an i3 Core Duo CPU, 256 MBs of VRAM and 16 GB of RAM. I use both Photoshop and Painter as creative painting and drawing tools and my Photoshop Master files routinely are in the sizes of 500 MB+ and some projects reach close to 1 GB in size.
I AM convinced, though,that Adobe keeps adding more software bloat to their applications products that alawys hinder image processing performance. If you want to create posters from the initial large jpeg files digital cameras initially generate, you'll need to do some image interpolation as the initial size files won't have very good pixel resolution at their initial size. The actual file sizes aren't THAT large and in most instances, today's Macs can handle large MB high resolution file sizes very well. I, actually, do not do ANY RAW file image processing of images and just work with large size jpeg files most of these style cameras generate. I process 16 and 20 Megapixels images from bridge style cameras (a Nikon and Sony digital cameras). GPU power is great for video processing (although video is still working with 2D images), but is mainly good for animation and 3D modeling work. GPU power is good, but is not pivotal for working with 2D images.